Zoom Teeth Whitening: How it Works

Amongst the most effective laser whitening treatments, Zoom is fast becoming a teeth whitening favourite! Here we’ll take a deep dive into how it works…


Step 1

This is where the dentist will take shades of your teeth and assess you based on your past dental / medical history. It’s also important here to ascertain how sensitive the teeth of the patient are.

Step 2

Accurate impressions of the patient’s mouth are taken, so that measurements are precise/accurate and so that the procedure runs smoothly.

Step 3

It’s common for teeth to be cleaned prior to teeth whitening, to ensure greater efficiency and effectiveness. This is also usually when the “before” photo is taken, to provide a measurement for how much better the teeth look after the procedure!


Step 4

Once the patient is reclined and wearing the proper protective equipment, the peroxide gel is applied to the teeth. After this, a light is used to ensure the gel is working, and this can take up to one hour. There are four cycles throughout this process, with the gel being re-applied after each one.

Step 5

The procedure has been completed, and your bright and shiny smile is ready for the world to see!


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