Teeth Whitening
Our cosmetic dentists use a variety of methods to whiten teeth.
It’s important to visit the dentist to be examined before any form of whitening is carried out. This ensures that teeth whitening is justified and appropriate for each individual case. A quick consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic dentists gives you a professional opinion on what your options are, but most importantly it gives your dentist the ability to select the most appropriate type of whitening and concentration to avoid any complications.
That way, you’ll be informed of the best treatment options for yourself – which will provide you with the teeth whitening result you’ve been looking for!
How does teeth whitening treatment work?
The process consists of applying a bleaching agent, which works to remove the discoloured molecules in your tooth. The most efficient way to apply the gel is via well-fitted whitening trays.
Once this process is completed, the colour of your teeth will begin to whiten.
If done at a dental clinic, this should take no more than two hours.

How safe is the whitening procedure?
Getting your teeth professionally whitened by an experienced cosmetic dentist is very safe.
However, we strongly advise patients to avoid attempting tooth whitening themselves by purchasing products over the internet or at salons trying to do a dentist’s job
Here at Clarendons, we employ the finest whitening products, equipment and whitening gels – in order for our patients to feel the quality care & service that we aspire to provide, day-in… day-out.
teeth whitening
Key facts to remember
Your teeth won’t become too white
Due to the fact that teeth whitening is carried on at home afterwards, once you reach the level of shade that you like, you can simply stop the treatment. This way, you’re in total control and your teeth will be white, healthy and confident!
Teeth Whitening treatment is super quick!
Depending on the type of whitening being carried out, treatment time can range from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks! This is why it’s one of the most popular cosmetic treatments on the market, as your smile can be completely transformed in one visit.
Your veneers won’t whiten
It’s also important to remember that if you’ve previously had veneers fitted to match your original shade of teeth, they won’t whiten along with the rest of your teeth! When you have an initial assessment with our expert cosmetic dentists, they’ll be able to advise you on the best course of action - if you still wish to go ahead with Teeth Whitening treatment.
Professional Teeth Whitening is far safer than over-the-counter kits!
This is because you’ll have access to first-class cosmetic dentists before, during and after whitening treatment. You’ll also have excellent after-care, which will help you in avoiding stained teeth. Furthermore, when you whiten your teeth at Clarendons, you’ll have professional images of your teeth before and after the treatment, so as to better identify the change in tooth colour.
How long will my teeth stay white?
1. Your teeth will stay white for approximately 2 years.
2. This, however, can also be prolonged depending on the type of food & drink you’re consuming! Smoking and drinking red wine can hasten the discolouring of your teeth, for example.
Does the teeth whitening procedure hurt?
The simple answer is no, though you may feel slight sensitivity depending on the nature of your teeth – which varies from patient to patient. But with regards to feeling any pain, you have nothing to worry about.
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