
Complaint Procedure


Complaints handling policy (private treatment)
Clarendon Dental Spa

Code of practice for patient complaints

In this practice we take complaints very seriously and try to ensure that all our patients are pleased with their experience of our service. When patients complain, they are dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible. This procedure is based on these objectives.

Our aim is to react to complaints in the way in which we would want our complaint about a service to be handled. We learn from every mistake that we make and we respond to patients’ concerns in a caring and sensitive way.

1.     The person responsible for dealing with any complaint about the service which we provide is Chesley Van Der Veen, the practice Complaints Manager.

2.     If a patient complains on the telephone or at the reception desk, we will listen to their complaint and offer to refer him or her to the Complaints Manager if they are available however if not then will be advised of how to submit their concerns in writing by email. The member of staff will take brief details of the complaint and pass them on to the Complaints Manager.

3.     If the patient complains in writing or by email it will be passed on immediately to the Complaints Manager.

4.     If a complaint is about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges it will be referred to the dentist concerned whom will investigate and submit a response. The practice will advise/respond on any aspects of the complaint that are not concerned with any clinical aspects of their treatment.

5.     We will acknowledge the patient’s complaint in writing and enclose a copy of this code of practice as soon as possible, normally within three working days. If the complaint is submitted in writing by email we will respond to the patient in writing by email unless otherwise requested by the patient. If this is requested, we will offer to discuss the complaint at a time agreed with the patient and if they would like this face-to-face or over the telephone. We will inform the patient about how the complaint will be handled and the likely time that the investigation will take to be completed (normally 10 working days). If the patient does not wish to discuss the complaint verbally, we will still inform them of the expected timescale for completing the process.

6.     We will seek to investigate the complaint speedily and efficiently and we will keep the patient regularly informed, as far as reasonably practicable, as to the progress of the investigation. Investigations will normally be completed within 10 working days. It is possible that if a complaint regards clinical care or is complex, we may need to seek advice from our insurers, indemnifiers or legal advisors and, therefore, may need to share some of your information for this purpose.

7.     When we have completed our investigation, we will provide the patient with a written response (or verbal response if requested). We will address all aspects of the complaint as best possible and try to reach a resolution for the patient. 

8.     Proper and comprehensive records are kept of any complaint received as well as any actions taken to improve services as a consequence of a complaint 

9.     Please note: we have a zero tolerance policy for rude or abusive behaviour in person or verbally. If a staff member feels threatened in any way then calls will be terminated and/or patients will be asked to leave the building

10.  If patients are not satisfied with the result of our procedure then a complaint may be made to: 


To send feedback to the CQC please go to: https://www.cqc.org.uk/give-feedback-on-care,  Telephone: 03000 616161 (Mon to Fri, 8.30am - 5.30pm Excluding Bank Holidays)



Complaints handling policy (NHS treatment)

Code of practice for patient complaints

In this practice we take complaints very seriously and try to ensure that all our patients are pleased with their experience of our service. When patients complain, they are dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible. This procedure is based on these objectives.

Our aim is to react to complaints in the way in which we would want our complaint about a service to be handled. We learn from every mistake that we make and we respond to patients’ concerns in a caring and sensitive way.

1.     The person responsible for dealing with any complaint about the service which we provide is Chesley Van Der Veen, the practice Complaints Manager.

2.  If a patient complains on the telephone or at the reception desk, we will listen to their complaint and offer to refer him or her to the Complaints Manager if they are available however if not then will be advised of how to submit their concerns in writing by email. The member of staff will take brief details of the complaint and pass them on to the Complaints Manager.

3.     If the patient complains in writing or by email it will be passed on immediately to the Complaints Manager.

4.     If a complaint is about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges it will be referred to the dentist concerned whom will investigate and submit a response. The practice will advise/respond on any aspects of the complaint that are not concerned with any clinical aspects of their treatment.

5.     We will acknowledge the patient’s complaint in writing and enclose a copy of this code of practice as soon as possible, normally within three working days. If the complaint is submitted in writing by email we will respond to the patient in writing by email unless otherwise requested by the patient. If this is requested, we will offer to discuss the complaint at a time agreed with the patient and if they would like this face-to-face or over the telephone. We will inform the patient about how the complaint will be handled and the likely time that the investigation will take to be completed (normally 10 working days). If the patient does not wish to discuss the complaint verbally, we will still inform them of the expected timescale for completing the process.

6.     We will seek to investigate the complaint speedily and efficiently and we will keep the patient regularly informed, as far as reasonably practicable, as to the progress of the investigation. Investigations will normally be completed within 10 working days. It is possible that if a complaint regards clinical care or is complex, we may need to seek advice from our insurers, indemnifiers or legal advisors and, therefore, may need to share some of your information for this purpose.

7.     When we have completed our investigation, we will provide the patient with a written response (or verbal response if requested). We will address all aspects of the complaint as best possible and try to reach a resolution for the patient.  

8.     Proper and comprehensive records are kept of any complaint received as well as any actions taken to improve services as a consequence of a complaint

9.     Please note: we have a zero tolerance policy for rude or abusive behaviour in person or verbally. If a staff member feels threatened in any way then calls will be terminated and/or patients will be asked to leave the building

10.     If patients are not satisfied with the result of our procedure then a complaint may be referred to:


·         NHS: If you would rather not go directly to your practice, you can contact your local ICB, which is responsible for NHS dental services https://www.westyorkshire.icb.nhs.uk/contact/comments-concerns-complaints

·         You can also contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman if you are unhappy with how the practice, or ICB, has dealt with your complaint.

Telephone: 0345 015 4033

Website: https://www.ombudsman.org.uk

·         Financial Ombudsman - https://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/complaint . info@financial-
    Call the helpline on 0800 023 4567

·         The CQC: The CQC don't get directly involved with complaints made to the practice. They do, however, encourage giving feedback to service providers.

To send feedback to the CQC please go to: https://www.cqc.org.uk/give-feedback-on-care

Telephone: 03000 616161 (Mon to Fri, 8.30am - 5.30pm Excluding Bank Holidays)



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